Thursday, 10 May 2012

Precipitation Across the Nation - Week 2

Captain's log stardate 080512; We, seem to have landed, on a strange, grey, sunless world, where the only weather system is one of continuous precipitation. The world beneath our van consists of a gelatinous substance that once imprisoned in, is hard to escape..

So, week two, weather still not up to much and we thought we'd be over in Germany by now but just about leaving Brittany. Had a funny night in a place called Quiberon in an Aire (a place to park your camper for those not in the know). Pulled up next to a heavily dribbling, recently divorced guy from Belgium called Harry, who liked to talk, and also managed to get ourselves locked in the Aire. Normally they are free but this one had those rising, falling bollards. We got in OK, but the machine that was supposed to give us our code to exit konked out just as the bollard rose behind us meaning we were stuck, never mind, we'll deal with it in the morning. Dribbling Harry left his code in his van window, should we get up early and take his code leaving him trapped? Thought of it but he seemed on the edge anyway, didn't want to finish him off. We ended up having to walk to the next town, find the Office de Tourism (that's French for Tourism Office for anyone who doesn't speak the language) to seal a release. We got out in the end, after having to run back to the Aire to meet the guy who put up our bail.. we saw another property, good place but not much land and generally bobbed about Brittany meeting Notaires (who look after property sales) and going through towns to get a feel for where we want to live. We also saw a shop called 'Fanny Boutique' but it was too wet to go inside... we then headed back to Wendy and Graham's for sanctuary, good food, warm showers, jazz and van repairs! Van all sorted now and in return for all the hospitality and van stuff we had the opportunity to help them prepare a boat for sail, which was awesome. So we had to actually go to work, on a Monday. The 'office' was the stunning Port du Foleoux (or something like that)and rather than answering e-mails we polished the hull, tied ropes but didn't hoist main sails (we missed that bit). A brilliant experience watching 'Alondra' being lifted into the water worrying if all our hard polishing work would be lost to the sea, but all ok. We're now on our way to Germany for week 3 and will post again next week, in the meantime here's a picture of a dog..

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